
    Hello. I am Moey Gallagher, and I am from Anchorage Alaska. I have two dogs, and in my spare time, I like to read and play video games. Over the summer I got back into playing Super Mario Galaxy, and started/continued playing various other games. This is my second year of college working towards my degree in biological sciences. Formerly I have taken Intro to Drawing, which I hope will have taught me at least a couple of skills also applicable to this class. I am taking this class because It seemed like the most interesting one that would fulfill the requirements of my degree.

WM | whitehot magazine of contemporary art | Iris Scott Talks To Noah  Becker About Her Paintings

    I have always liked and created art, usually of the two-dimensional variety. I enjoy drawing with a couple of different mediums including pencil, ink, and markers. I am not very practiced in areas beyond that. I own some art, most of it my own. I got an art print once with a game I bought which is about the sum total of professional art I own beyond book covers and the like. I have more experience with science museums than with ones only related to art, but I am of the opinion that most museums are in some way art exhibits. The one that stood out to me the most was one with a room full of animatronic dinosaurs. What could those be but art?

Here is a video on the artist of this painting.


  1. My thoughts exactly, Cate - fingerpainting?? Wow! I loved it. Looking at the geometric shapes in the background, I first thought that this might be a fabric, embroidery and paint piece. I never would have guessed fingerpainting.

  2. Wow, that is such a nice finger painting. It represents independence to me, sense of self and leadership.


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